Dokumenti o teranu

Nastavno na nedavnu objavu na Portalu za bolju regulativu nacrta delegiranog akta kojim se RH proizvođačima Terana omogućava nastavak trženja njihovih vina pod određenim uvjetima, Ministarstvo poljoprivrede odlučilo je objaviti puni sadržaj dopisa koje je u prethodnom razdoblju uputila Europskoj komisiji vezano uz navedenu problematiku. Ova je odluka donesena radi pune transparentnosti cijelog procesa te pružanja svih relevantnih informacija zainteresiranoj javnosti o stručnim, povijesnim i pravnim razlozima na kojima je RH bazirala svoj zahtjev.

(1) Cover letterAres(2013)1261463 of 16 May 2013 from the Head of Mission of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union to the Director-General of DG AGRI, transmitting the following three letters

(1a) Letter of 13 May 2013 from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia to the Director-General of DG AGRI
Transitional measures for the Republic of Croatia in the wine sector regarding wines harvested in 2012 and previous years (accompanied with overview of wine stocks and List of controlled GIs)

(1b) Letter of 13 May 2013 from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia to the Director-General of DG AGRI
Consideration related to the issue of PDO Teran

(1c) Letter of 13 May 2013 from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia to the Director-General of DG AGRI
Revision of Annex VX Part A and Part ? of the Commission Regulation (EC) No 607/2009 (accompanied with OIV List and Ordinance on National list of recognised vine varieties)

(2) LetterAres(2015)1640805 of 16 April 2014 from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia to the Director General of DG AGRI.
